Hearing Aid

Discover the Benefits of Modern Hearing Aid Technology

Discover the Benefits of Modern Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing Aids: Improving Your Hearing in Northeastern, WI

Do you need help managing your hearing loss? Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin is here to assist you! Our expert audiologist is dedicated to providing excellent hearing care services to enhance your quality of life. Let's explore the world of hearing aids and see how they can make a big difference in your daily life.

Types of Hearing Aids

Excited to learn about the different types of hearing aids available? At Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin, we offer two main categories:

Prescribed Hearing Aid | Appleton, WI | Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin

Prescribed Hearing Aids: These FDA-regulated devices are custom-made to meet your specific hearing needs. Our audiologist will evaluate your hearing loss and fit you with the most suitable hearing aids for maximum comfort and performance.

Otc Hearing Aid | Appleton, WI | Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids: If you have mild hearing loss and want convenience, these devices provide basic amplification; however, it's important to note that they do not offer the customized fit and advanced features found in prescribed hearing aids.

Styles of Hearing Aids

Curious about the different styles of hearing aids available at Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin? We offer various options to suit your preferences and lifestyle:

Custom Molded Hearing Aids:

Completely in the Canal (CIC): Virtually invisible, CIC hearing aids fit snugly inside your ear canal, making them discreet and comfortable.

In the Canal (ITC): Slightly larger than CIC, ITC hearing aids are still discreet and offer additional features for better hearing in challenging environments.

Half Shell: These hearing aids fill a portion of the outer ear bowl, striking a balance between visibility and functionality.

Full Shell: Offering more power and features, full shell hearing aids are a great choice for those with severe hearing loss.

Bte Hearing Aid | Appleton, WI | Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin

Behind the Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids:

Traditional BTE with a tube going into the ear: This classic design provides ample amplification and is easy to handle and maintain.

Receiver in the Canal (RIC) with a wire going into the canal: RIC hearing aids combine a discreet appearance with high-quality sound as the receiver is placed in the ear canal.

Differences between Prescribed and OTC Hearing Aids

Want to learn more about the differences between hearing aids that must be prescribed and those that may be purchased over the counter? Both aids in hearing improvement, but prescribed hearing aids provide tailored solutions for your particular hearing loss, assuring the best results. On the other hand, people with modest hearing issues who desire a quick, ready-to-use solution can benefit from OTC hearing aids.

Need personalized hearing solutions? Call or text Hearing Clinics of Wisconsin at 

Appleton - Green Bay - Shawano


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